Kv Biljetten | Innovative Townhouses with Strong focus on Sustainability

KV. Biljetten – Innovative Townhouses with a Strong Focus on Sustainability

The project has focused on using materials and building techniques that minimize climate impact while prioritizing a pleasant living environment. The foundation is made of Koljern (recycled glass) and the load-bearing structure of cross-laminated timber. Foam glass, used in the foundation, is a material that not only provides thermal insulation but also has significantly lower climate emissions compared to concrete.

Tobias Magnusson, project manager

About the project

We are proud to have been the project manager for one of Malmö’s most exciting and sustainable construction projects – the townhouses in central Malmö. These townhouses are designed for minimal environmental impact. The project aims to give more people the opportunity to live an urban yet down-to-earth life.

Built in Norra Sorgenfri, an old industrial area now being transformed, the twelve compact townhouses blend harmoniously with the historic brick buildings from the turn of the century. This unique project, designed by Belleville Arkitektkontor and Nock Massiva Trähus, won the 2019 Malmö City land allocation for its innovative architecture.

The townhouses are built vertically and have three floors plus a top floor with a studio/orangery and cultivable terraces. This provides the opportunity to grow plants in the middle of the city, which sequesters carbon dioxide, delays rainwater during heavy rainfall, and reduces the need for freshwater for cultivation. By maximizing land use and building compactly, more people can live sustainably.